True, False, Or Downright Bullsh*t? Let’s Fact Check Last Night’s GOP Debate

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There was a lot said at last night’s GOP debate in Detroit, and a great deal of it was complete balderdash mixed with good old-fashioned cow manure. Then again, there was a bit of truth, so let’s take a look at some of the major points and decide if they ring true or deserve a “liar liar pants on fire” award:

Trump On Cutting Spending:

Donald Trump lies so much that it’s tempting to just assume that if his lips are moving, his words are laced with deception. But on this one, he’s more full of horse puckey than usual.

Here’s what the odd man with small fingers and a dead hamster on his head said at the debate:

“Department of Education. We’re cutting Common Core. We’re getting rid of Common Core. We’re bringing education locally. Department of Environmental Protection. We are going to get rid of it in almost every form … Because of the fact that the pharmaceutical companies are not mandated to bid properly, they have hundreds of billions of dollars in waste.”

If Trump makes these cuts, what does he save? Well, if you cut EPA and the Education Department completely, you save less than 3% of the $3.7 trillion the federal government spent in the past year. The nation spent $90 billion on education and $7 billion on the EPA.

So Trump cannot save enough to offset his massive tax cuts and his pants are not just on fire, so is his entire body a he runs around the debate stage and spreads this nonsense.

On this pledge, Trump is WRONG.

Cruz Claims He Has Beaten Trump Five Times In the Primaries:

Cruz said:

“We have demonstrated not once, not twice, not three times, but five separate times we have beat Donald and if you don’t want him to be the nominee, then I ask you to stand with us as a broad coalition of people who believe in the Constitution, believe in freedom, and want to turn this country around.”

That one sounds like it would set off the bullshit meter because Cruz has won in four states: Iowa, Texas, Oklahoma and Alaska. But he also came out ahead of Trump in Minnesota, finishing second to Trump’s third.

Cruz is RIGHT.

Cruz: Obamacare Is a Huge Job Killer:

What did the Senator from Texas say last night? Here it is:

“As president, I will repeal Obamacare, the biggest job-killer in America.”

Sounds good to an audience of rabid right-wing GOPers, but isn’t exactly true. The Kaiser Family Foundation/Health Research and Education Trust survey released just last September clearly showed that only 4% of employers with at least 50 employees said they moved some employees to part-time hours so they wouldn’t qualify for health care.

But 10% of employers reported that they were changing workers from part-time to full-time in order to enable them to obtain coverage.

Cruz is therefore WRONG WRONG WRONG!

Rubio Says the Donald Has Small Hands and Fingers:

Trump is 6-foot-2 and does indeed have small fingers and hands. He may try to say that it doesn’t mean he’s deficient downstairs, but does anyone other than a Trump fanatic truly believe that? The guy who talks the loudest is always trying to compensate for something.

Rubio is RIGHT and also knows this line of attack really gets Trump’s goat.

As for everything else discussed at last night’s debate, here’s a breakdown of true versus false:

99.9% was bullshit, and the remainder was half-true, and then only when the moon is full.

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