Remorseful Republican In Tears ’I Was So Very Wrong. So Very Very Wrong’

A remorseful Republican voter wrote a letter to President Obama last summer, which the White House just published online. The letter was written by Brent Brown from Mosinee, Wisconsin, who never voted for President Obama.

The reason he changed his mind is because the very same Obama Health Care he and other Republicans are so opposed to turned out to save his life. In the letter to the President he explains how very wrong he was, and thanks him for saving his life:

“I have a ‘pre-existing condition’ and so could never purchase health insurance. Only after the ACA came into being could I be covered. […] I would not be alive without access to care I received due to your law. So thank you from a dumb young man who thought he knew it all and who said things about you that he now regrets. Thank you for serving me even when I didn’t vote for you.”

Brent Brown is not alone. MSNBC summarized the President’s speech in Milwaukee on March 3rd which emphasized Obama Health Care’s enormous impact:

“Today, I can announce that thanks to the law, 20 million more Americans now know the security of health insurance. Twenty million. Twenty million people. Twenty million folks like Brent.”

What would happen to these 20 million people if Republicans came to power and would be able to complete their repeal crusade? 20 million people would have their insurance taken away from them. Given the way the polls look right now, this is a very real possibility, and it will be too late for other remorseful Republicans.

Brown’s level of conviction had him in tears as he was writing the letter. He concluded:

“I was so very wrong. So very very wrong.”

Featured image by LaDawna Howard on Flickr. Used with permission under Creative Commons.