Current GOP front-runner Donald Trump just loves to bloviate endlessly on how he’ll be tough on the Chinese when it comes to trade, but it turns out that Trump is actually just a gigantic hypocrite with an ego to match.
Though it has already been pointed out that Chinese labor is used to manufacture Trump’s line of clothing, Bloomberg News now reports that Trump is using funding from Chinese investors to finance a new Trump Tower which he plans to build in New Jersey.
In a promotional video, Trump is using a “Sopranos”-themed promotional presentationcomplete with Chinese subtitles in order to attract investors from China.
The video places the viewer behind the wheel as part of a drive through Jersey City where Trump’s new tower would will be built. While images of the building are shown, the theme song from “The Sopranos” TV show plays on the soundtrack.
It should be noted that Trump has often been highly critical of the very same immigrant visas he loves to use on projects such as the New Jersey Trump Tower. While Trump once said such visas are a threat to the security of the United States, he has more recently commented that he’s changed his mind and thinks they’re a good idea, no doubt because he relies on them so heavily to bring Chinese investors in for sales presentations on building projects.
Could Donald Trump possibly be a bigger bag of crap? He has been caught in endless lies, been on every side of numerous issues, and now proves that he is nothing but a hypocrite who says one thing while he goes about doing the very same thing he claims to despise.
Donald Trump says he’s not a politician and therefore not beholden to anyone. That too is a massive lie, as this latest report shows.
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