Appearing last night on “The Daily Show,” South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham didn’t sound very excited about the prospects for the GOP as the November election draws closer. Matter of fact, one kind of got the feeling that if Graham could vote for “none of the above,” that might just be the lever he presses on his voting machine.
Senator Graham also told Trevor Noah that the main reason he is now tepidly supporting Texas Senator Ted Cruz is because “he’s not Trump.”
But Graham was far from finished, also delivering this sobering truth bomb for all Republicans:
“If Donald Trump carries the banner of my party. I think it taints conservatism for generations to come. I think his campaign is opportunistic, race-baiting, religious bigotry, xenophobia. Other than that, he’d be a good nominee.”
Damn! Tell us how you really feel, Lindsey!
With that, Noah played a now-famous clip of Graham bemoaning the choices for the GOP in 2016, and complaining:
“That’s… like [asking if I’d rather be] shot or poisoned. What does it really matter?”
Yeah, but who is the gun, and who is the poison? Inquiring minds are dying to know. Graham did not disappoint:
“Donald is like being shot in the head. You might find an antidote to poisoning, I don’t know, but maybe there’s time.”
Then Graham offered a form of eulogy for his party, which appears to be in a death spiral:
“I’m saying my party is completely screwed up for the moment.”
Watch Sad Senator Graham:
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