Pathological Liar: Trump Now Says He Won’t Support GOP Nominee If It Isn’t Him

As Bernie Sanders has said on more than one occasion, Donald Trump is a pathological liar. He will lie about anything, at any time, for any or no reason, and he will then turn around and tell another lie that contradicts the one he has previously told. Are we even sure this man’s name is really Donald J. Trump?

And now we have the latest instance of a lie: Trump signed a pledge saying he would support whoever the GOP nominee happens to be, but yesterday, when asked if he still stands by the pledge, which he signed his name to, he declared:

“No, I don’t anymore.”

When asked about statements from Ted Cruz, who also said he may be unable to support Trump should the Donald be the eventual nominee, Trump pretended not to care one way or the other:

“I watched him tonight and I watched how tormented he was when you asked him that question. I don’t want to have him be tormented. Let me just tell you I don’t want his support, I don’t need his support. I don’t want him to be uncomfortable.”

Trump also had plenty of bile to spill out when asked by CNN host Anderson Cooper how he felt about Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker endorsing Cruz. Trump remarked:

“I drove him out of the race. I drove Jeb Bush out of the race, I drove Rand Paul out of the race. I understand why they don’t like me.”

No, the reason they don’t like you is the same reason so many Americans cannot stomach you, Donald: Because you’re an arrogant, bullying asshat of a human being who desperately needs to learn some manners and civility. But since we know that is never gonna happen, we will just get rid of you via the ballot box and watch as you fade into oblivion and your hatred consumes you in your old age.

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