RWNJ Ann Coulter Warns of Latin American ‘Rape Culture’

In an almost unbelievable demonstration of racism, Ann Coulter launched a defense of the Donald Trump and his infamous wall on MSNBC’s Hardball last weekend.

The well-known conservative talking head was asked about Trump’s most recent gaffe, when he stated that he believed in punishing women who seek abortions. Although Trump quickly retracted the statement and spun it completely around, Ms. Coulter thought it was an absolutely relevant point to be made. She stated that if Trump were in Congress at some point in a mythical future after Roe v. Wade had been overturned, then his answer would be perfectly valid.  But that’s not all she said.

In an apparent effort to prove that Trump is not actually the most disgusting bigot in the Republican party, she went on to say that punishing women shouldn’t be our biggest concern. In fact, she actually said this:

“I think I’d be a lot more upset that more women are going to get a lot more abortions if we don’t close our border to Mexico and bring in all of Latin American rape culture.”

That’s right. We are back to that giant horde of raping Mexicans just pouring over the border to get at the white women. These people never seem to let facts get in their way. Their racism is deeply embedded and frequently flaunted.

In addition to being a xenophobic bigot, it also seems that Ann Coulter is deeply lacking in any sense of irony. Right up there on her homepage, she declares that the Republican Party absolutely must nominate Donald Trump because:

“If there’s hope, it lies with Trump and only Trump. Donald Trump will do better with black and Hispanic voters than any other Republican.”

Right, because everyone loves to support the people who accuse them of supporting rape culture.


Featured image by Gage Skidmore via Flickr. Available through a Creative Commons license 2.0.

Karen is a retired elementary school teacher with many years of progressive activism behind her. She is the proud mother of three young adults who were all arrested with Occupy Wall Street. To see what she writes about in her spare time, check out her blog at "Empty Nest, Full Life"