Around the world, people usually react with derisive dismissal to GOP front-runner Donald Trump’s wild and thoughtless statements on international affairs. Many world leaders perhaps hold back from commenting publicly because of diplomatic considerations. However, former Mexican President Vicente Fox has slammed Trump’s racist plan to force Mexico to pay for his proposed 1,000-mile wall along the US-Mexico border.

Trump has proposed to prevent Mexican immigrants in the United States from sending remittances back to Mexico. In his view, this will force Mexico to pay for what is now called the “Trump Wall,” because the loss of $24 billion in annual remittances may potentially harm Mexico’s economy.

In a strongly worded article in the Guardian, Mr. Fox called Trump’s plan “racist and ignorant,” and dismissed his statements as “disgraceful and highly offensive.” He added that the “Trump Wall” is in fact a mental wall:

“He thinks building the ‘Trump Wall’ will right every wrong in the United States. Indeed, he’s built a huge mental wall around himself already, which doesn’t allow him to see the greatness of our people.”

Mr. Fox further stated that Trump’s international policies will serve to isolate America from the rest of the world, and that Americans should be wary of Trump, as he is a false prophet:

“Trump is surely a false prophet who will guide the great nation of the United States to the bottom of the ocean, all the way through the shores of ignorance, racism, hunger and despair.”

It’s hard to disagree with former President Vicente Fox’s view that it is the American people who will ultimately suffer because of Trump’s racist, “egocentric, and xenophobic dreams.” It is likely that America’s image across the world would severely be affected under a Trump administration, as his statements reveal a shocking lack of appreciation of the importance of alliances and economic ties. The dangers of handling foreign affairs and state relations as purely business ventures cannot be overstated.


Featured image is a screengrab via Fox Business.