Seems no matter where you turn in recent weeks, yet another state–usually in the Deep South–is passing some kind of legislation designed to curtail the rights of the LGBT community in some way, shape, or form. North Carolina led the way, passing a horrible bill which even says the transgendered in that state must use the restroom of the sex shown on their birth certificate! Did you bring your birth certificate with you? Then you just have to do without using the facilities. Yeah, that’ll show ’em who the boss is!
Next we had Georgia also passing a similar bill–cloaked under the insulting guise of “relgious liberty”–but in a moment of political courage which should be applauded, Georgia’s GOP Governor, Nathan Deal, actually vetoed the Peach State version of legislated hatred, saying he did not feel it was fair to discriminate against anyone in the state.
And now South Carolina is weighing in, saying they want to do as their North Carolina brethren already have, but it appears Governor Nikki Haley will also refuse to condone such blatant discrimination in her state.
But the genie is now out of the bottle; Pandora has been releaed from her box, and people are taking to social media so they can declare their hatred of those they disagree with. One such rathole of virtulent excrement is to be found on Facebook under the group name “American — STRONG!” And someone there decided to prove their own ignorance by posting this meme:
Such intolerant dillholes as these deserve not only our disgust and outright rejection, they also deserve to be banned from Facebook. But I’ll leave that to the powers-that-be on the social media site.
Take a look at some of what has been posted in response to this meme. See, when you unleash hate, others who want to feel superior to their peers simply have to chime in with their own stupidity. And have they ever:
So. many congrats to the douches in North Carolina who are now providing safe harbor for this kind of bullshit with their new law, which will very likely never pass judicial muster. Now let’s see you put the multi-headed genie of hate back in the bottle.
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