You Won’t Believe The Discrimination Fox News Is Condoning Now

We all know Fox News is very biased toward the right, but this is bad. The show on the channel, Fox & Friends, had something pretty ugly to say this week.

Wisconsin now prohibits discrimination against atheists with a new measure passed this week. The Fox News show said that they are mad at this measure because “there are plenty of reasons why Christians or Jews would not want to hire an atheist.”

Now, if this doesn’t make you angry enough then this part definitely will. First, host Tucker Carlson, reported this news from Wisonsin: his co-host, Anna Kooiman asked their guest, former DOJ attorney J Christian Adams, “where does this hostility come from?”

Are you kidding me, Fox News?!?! Atheists are fighting for basic rights and THEY are the hostile ones?! I don’t think so, Ms. Kooiman.

Plot twist!…well, not really…Adams went after the Madison-based group that fought for this ordinance, the Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF). He described them as a “bunch of angry atheists” that:

“Hectors governments to pass anti-Christian, anti-religious ordinances. They team up with government, for example, they were behind getting the IRS to monitor sermons and homilies by Christian pastors.”

Adams described atheists as a group that is hostile toward people of faith. It’s the classic right-wing religion argument. How dare we take away their right to take away other people’s rights! The hosts agreed with Adams saying that atheists are attacking other people’s views. No! They are fighting for their basic right not to have to face discrimination in the workplace and in their communities.

Adams went on to add:

“There’s a lot of reasons why Christians or Jews might not want to hire an atheist. In fact, it’s in the New Testament. It says things like avoid them and disassociate with them. You might have a job, for example, where you want someone who believes in a higher power.

For example, maybe you’re an airline and hiring pilots who you prefer they maybe believe in Hell. To tell people that you can’t only hire people of faith intrudes on their free exercise of faith.”

Dear right-wingers, we are NOT a Christian nation.


Featured image by David Goehring via flickr, available under Creative Commons 2.0 license.

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