One of the most remarkable and admirable qualities children possess is that they don’t hate others simply because they’re different. As we know, hate is something that must be taught. No one is born hating others.
The case of a 7-year-old boy who has a transgender friend is the perfect example of how perfectly and purely children care for others. His mother, Janna Harris Cadenas, posted this to the Facebook page for the group “Have A Gay Day:”
“Now that I went through all the posts…
This is my son in the picture. His name is McCartney, he is 7 years old. He asked me to take him to this rally because his best friend is Transgender and for her privacy and age, she was not able to attend. My son is a beautiful, kind and intelligent soul. He was fully aware of why he was there this day and not only did he know what his sign said, he knew which song it references and can tell you every word of that song and just about any other Beatles song you can throw at him for that matter. That’s his dog in the picture behind him. HIS name is Rigby, after the Beatles song. He’s our newest rescue and he was proud to be mistaken for a girl all day while my Daughter Starkey Jude was mistaken for a boy. She didn’t mind either and knew why she was there as well, she’s 5. Guess I got pretty lucky to get the amazing, loving, accepting children I was blessed with. Oh, and they are both vegetarians and go to animal rights protests too. I’m pretty sure I’m winning at Momming these 2 amazing humans. If you doubt that feel free to ask them their opinions, they will definitely tell you.”
This is what teaching children to love and respect others is all about. What does it matter what gender or sexual preference a person may have? All that matters is that we try to live by the example children set for us: With love, tolerance, acceptance, and the kind of caring the entire world could stand to emulate.
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