Trump Sinks To A New Low, LYING About Giving Money To Charity

Trump has claimed that he gives a lot to charity. He claims to have given over $102 million over the last five years, but guess what? It’s a load of crap!

The Washington Post posted a 93-page listing of Trump’s “donations.” NONE of these came from his own pockets. Some of the biggest entries on the list are conservation agreements saying that he won’t build on a piece of land. He also gives a lot of rounds of free golf at charity auctions and things, but that doesn’t really cost him anything out of his own pocket.

Are you disabled? Have a round of golf. Are you living in poverty? Have a round of golf. Are you seeking health services, but can’t afford them? Have a round of golf. Are your children starving? Have a round of golf. I guess that’s the solution for everything according to Mr. Trump!

Also on that list was a piece of land he had given to the state of New York. Sounds good right? Except he did it in 2006; not in the last five years like the other things on the list. According to recent tax filings, none of his organizations have received ANY money directly from Trump. They get their money from other sources, but Trump still decides where the gifts go.

There was a recent scandal over a charitable contribution for veterans. Trump claims that he raised $6 million at a charity event to help veterans. But, the people he was trying to help have only received a fraction of the money.

There is still speculation as to how Trump avoided being drafted to Vietnam. He says that is was a medical deferment, but others think think that he used his family money to get out of serving. So, he definitely isn’t making friends with veteran’s groups.

He also isn’t a philanthropist.


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