Last year, we presented you with a map (courtesy of the Huffington Post) that showed how Donald Trump views the world. For those of you keeping score at home, here’s a reminder of what that map looked like:


Yeah, it’s pretty darn funny, and it’s also pretty darn accurate when you consider some of the reprehensible things the Donald has said.

Now the Huffington Post has given us a 2016 version of how Trump sees the world and his foreign policy views.  Take a look:


Lets’s take a deeper dive into some of the specifics found on this 2.0 version of the Trump Map:

Afghanistan: Big Mistake

Trump has said this war was a mistake, even though he later walked the comments back. Yeah, why bother to go after Bin Laden and Al Qaeda?

America: Make It Great Again!

Gag, puke, rinse, repeat.

Canada: Home of Lyin’ Ted Cruz

You saw this one coming all the way down Fifth Avenue, didn’t you?

China: All Their Fault

Yeah, it’s gotta be China’s fault. Granted, the Chinese do some things that negatively impact the United States, but are they anywhere near as dangerous as Trump himself?

Guantanamo: Gotta Be Tough

Waterboard, rinse, repeat.

So, now we know how Trump sees the world, but how do they see him? Let’s find out:



h/t The Huffington Post

Featured Image Via The Huffington Post