Say hello to New York televangelist James David Manning, known for his VERY homophobic sermons. He has been called the “stone slayer” because he believes LGBT people should be stoned to death. He also said this on one of his many ridiculous shows:

“Before this church is foreclosed on, sodomites will carry babies in their testicles for nine months and then gestate them out of their a**holes […] If it’s possible for that to happen, then it’s possible for this church to be foreclosed.”

He owes over $1 million in back taxes, so he is trying to keep his church from being foreclosed on.

Now, he has managed to find a worse nickname for himself: “the Sodomite slayer.” He has claimed that God will make flames shoot out of gay men’s buttholes. Is this before or after they gestate babies out of their butts? I guess men’s butts are supposed to multi-task.

He has claimed this is a big “prophecy:”

“This is the word of the Lord! This is the prophecy of the almighty God! This is the Lord’s word!”

His big claim, which he repeats multiple times in the video is:

“If you are a sodomite, God’s going to have a flame coming out of your butthole!”

He gives himself the sodomite slayer nickname with this line:

“You think AIDS was bad? You ain’t seen nothing yet! Thus sayeth the lord! I’m the lord’s servant! I’m the sodomite slayer!”

This is the same guy that said that Starbucks flavors its lattes with semen from sodomites, so I guess his stupidity is not THAT surprising.

How did this guy end up a pastor? Do people actually believe this bullsh*t!? I guess these are the Christian version of right-wing conspiracy theories.

He talked for a whole 10 minutes about gay men’s rectums. For a guy claiming to be a “Sodomite slayer,” he sure does have a fascination with butts. Here is the video. Be careful, you may lose some IQ points after watching it.

Featured image via YouTube.