Family Research Council President, Tony Perkins, proved yesterday that he doesn’t understand how logic works. He was interviewed by Fernando Espuelas on his talk show, “Matter of Fact.”
Espuelas noted that Perkins has been supporting many of the “religious freedom” laws in North Carolina.
Perkins said that the laws are protecting “public safety.” He also said that Mississippi’s broader religious freedom law is needed to “protect” Christians from being persecuted by the government.
I guess taking away people’s rights is the new way Christians worship? They want to discriminate against anyone that is different, but we are not allowed to throw it back at them.
He went so far as to call it “forced servitude.” How dare we make them come into 2016?! How dare we take away their rights to take away other people’s rights?!
Espuelas rightly stated that these laws are calling for segregation. He said:
“How is it not discrimination if you pick one group, a specific group of people and have different rights for them? How is that not discrimination?”
Perkins said that allowing gay marriage forces people to go against their beliefs. This is also total BS! No church has been forced to perform the ceremonies. If you don’t like gay marriage, don’t perform it. If you don’t like gay weddings, don’t go to one. Simple!
The Southern Poverty Law Center declared Perkins’ organization, the Family Research Council, a hate group in 2010.
Definitely not a surprise considering that this is the same group that thinks praying and fasting are legit ways to influence the Supreme Court. He also said that “secularism” and not favoring religion has caused Americans to go and join ISIS.
I guess he just wants to shove his religion onto everyone. He also thinks that the “homosexual” rights movement is going to glorify pedophiles and change the age of consent.
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