This week we have heard about Harriet Tubman replacing Andrew Jackson on the $20 bill, but we need to go one step further and take “In God We Trust” off ALL of our money. This may seem silly to some, but taking God out of our money would show that we are an inclusive nation.

When the change to the $20 bill was announced, it spawned a large response online. Ben Carson said that we should put her on the $2 bill instead of the $20. This is ridiculous! Carson said that Andrew Jackson was a “tremendous” president. He failed to mention that Jackson was a slave owner…

ACLU Lawyer Michael Newdow is handling a class action lawsuit against the government to remove “In God We Trust” off of the money. This is the perfect time to do it if they’re going to be changing bills anyway.

“In God We Trust” was added to the money in the 50s when we were freaking out about the communists during the Cold War. It does not need to be the nation’s motto. We are not a theocracy.

Considering nearly a quarter of our population is made up of non-believers. We need to be more inclusive and get “God” off of our money. We need a new motto or we could bring back “E Pluribus Unum.” Getting the “In God We Trust” off of the bill would be a great start. The White House picture could have clear skies.

The Treasury is responsible for the design of the money. Congress could pass a bill to take it off, but, unfortunately, that is not going to happen with the Republican Congress we have right now. This may seem unimportant, but ALL US citizens should be included with our motto.

Featured image via TheTruthAbout on Flickr, available under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic license.