A California congressman and several atheist and humanist organizations have proposed that we have a “National Day Of Reason” on the same day as the “National Day Of Prayer.”

California Democratic Representative Mike Honda introduced House Resolution 670, which would declare May 5 the “National Day Of Reason.” He wants to celebrate the importance of reason and logic in “the betterment of humanity.”

Honda had this to say about it:

“This nation is based on pluralism, on a diversity of views. The National Day of Reason is not in opposition to the National Day of Prayer. It is simply another way for people to think about one of the fundamental forces that built this nation.”

The Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF) is urging their members to call their representatives and get this passed.

The FFRF said this in a statement:

“This alternative to the National Day of Prayer is inclusive of all Americans, as both the religious and nonreligious can benefit from ‘focusing upon the employment of reason, critical thought, the scientific method and free inquiry to the resolution of human problems and the welfare of human kind.’”

Roy Speckhardt, executive director of the American Humanist Association said:

“National Day of Reason is a day for all Americans since everyone can see the value of reason in addressing the needs of the day. While some may seek personal guidance from their god or gods, we encourage our elected leaders to use reason, compassion, and egalitarianism as their guides in determining what’s best for America.”

The National Day of Prayer was signed into law by President Truman on April 17, 1952. It was one of many unconstitutional bills passed at the time. This is the same period when “Under God” was added to the Pledge of Allegiance (1954) and “In God We Trust” was added to the money (1957).

This National Day of Reason has been celebrated since 2003. Advancing actual legislation to officially declare this day will move us one step closer to being a more inclusive nation.

Featured image via National Day of Reason official website.

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