An Alabama preacher’s claim that sex causes detrimental phenomena throughout society has become public. In fact, it is apparent that he was motivated to make it so, as he recorded his musings for distribution. Yammering for ten minutes, he describes his introspection for the benefit of his young viewers:
“I say this to the young people: Sex is a very dangerous thing. As dangerous as can be. As dangerous as cocaine or anything else. If you start, say as a young person, and get hooked on that, and it’ll paralyze your mind where you won’t learn very well like you ought to, most time. And it’s gonna create all kinda problems.”
He follows up this gem with another claim:
“Sex, I think, well, sex is the biggest, the most reason, well, all the homeless, abused children in the world is because of sex. And 99.9 percent, I guess there’s been a few [unintelligible] that was because of money then. But money and sex is the two worst things out there and sex is a mighty big one.”
The topic of sex has long been a contentious issue for religious conservatives, who have offered only misguided and frankly dangerous ideas about how to control it. They cling to cherry-picked perspectives of their faith to create a framework that simply doesn’t function for any society.
One of the easiest studies that can be observed is that of teen pregnancy. Deeply conservative states push to teach abstinence instead of providing sex education. This has lead to a complete misunderstanding of human nature and has led to spiking rates of teen pregnancy in red states.
His claim that sex is a driver of the homeless in the country may be the most concerning. Military veterans and domestic abuse survivors combine to create a large portion of the homeless contingent. These are people that need (and deserve) help, rather than having others look down on them through false generalizations.
Another day and another twisted view on sex from a right wing religious leader. Another issue in which looking at statistics and facts is not important for them. This Alabama preacher has now joined a long line of individuals that came before him.
Here is the video below:
Featured image is a screengrab from video.
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