Ted Cruz Had MULTIPLE Meltdowns This Week (VIDEOS)

I have some great news today, fellow liberals! Ted Cruz had a bit of a ranty meltdown at a campaign rally. He screamed about all of the states he is going to take next. It is oddly similar to Howard Dean’s rant during his 2004 campaign. This kind of rant could cause Cruz to lose the nomination.

Mathematically, Cruz can’t get enough delegates for the nomination, but he is hoping to take delegates from Trump and turn the RNC into a “brokered convention.”

At this campaign rally in Indiana, Cruz accused Democrats of supporting Trump. He also said that the media is backing Trump in some kind of election conspiracy theory.

This is odd because he seemed to have some confidence when he said that he was looking forward to the campaign moving to “more favorable terrain.” Then, he lost it while listing the next states having primaries:

“Tonight his campaign moves back to Indiana! And Nebraska! and North Dakota! And Montana! And Washington! And California!”

This is not his first meltdown this week. He went on a screaming rant on the Sean Hannity show after only 22 people showed up to his Philadelphia rally. Hannity was just asking him about delegates, and Cruz started screaming at him. Sean Hannity also loses it saying that Cruz has been on the air with him more than other candidates. Hannity accused Cruz of throwing the questions back at him. Cruz was asked questions about delegates and stealing delegates from Trump. Ted just danced around the questions by spitting out statistics. He accused Trump’s campaign of being unable to handle this process. This election season has definitely been entertaining at least.

Here is the Sean Hannity interview (AUDIO)


Here is the video from his Indiana rally mentioned above. He is obviously frustrated and angry about Trump’s wins:

Here we have Howard Dean, a Democratic candidate in the 2004 election. He dropped out of the limelight quickly after this fiasco.

Featured image via YouTube.

Hi, I'm from Huntsville, AL. I'm a Liberal living in the Bible Belt, which can be quite challenging at times. I'm passionate about many issues including mental health, women's rights, gay rights, and many others. Check out my blog weneedtotalkaboutmentalhealth.com