A ‘Responsible Gun Owner’ Accidentally Fires Gun During Swim Lesson

This morning, I covered the story of a man accidentally shooting himself whilst using the bathroom. He shot himself in the buttock while putting his gun holster back on. Now, I have a somewhat worse story for you.

A man, Lloyd Simms, was at a swimming lesson at the University of Charleston when the gun in his back pocket went off. He has been charged with a misdemeanor for having the gun on campus when he wasn’t supposed to.

There were both children and adults there.

Luckily, there were not any injuries, but this shouldn’t have happened. These idiots need to know how to use guns before they carry one. They also need to NOT carry firearms at schools! What was this guy thinking?

Jackie Kaye, whose daughter was giving this lesson said:

“This man was sitting not two feet away and his gun went off. Everyone was upset. It could have been a terrible tragedy for many people.”

People got shot this past weekend over seats at church! These men got into an argument over where they were going to sit.

A toddler in Indiana lost his life after finding his mom’s gun in her purse. Guns should not be left out in the open like that.

A teenager in Texas got shot at a party when someone brought a REAL gun to a WATER gun party.

How many of these accidents will we tolerate before we pass more gun control laws? We NEED background checks and we need to require training in using guns.

Although I object to people having guns in the house with children, I just want them to keep the guns locked up in a safe. I don’t want to take away rights, but I think we need to regulate guns more.


Featured image by elPadawan via Flickr, available under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic license.

Hi, I'm from Huntsville, AL. I'm a Liberal living in the Bible Belt, which can be quite challenging at times. I'm passionate about many issues including mental health, women's rights, gay rights, and many others. Check out my blog weneedtotalkaboutmentalhealth.com