WATCH: Trump Admits His Candidacy Is ‘Just For Fun’

With Ted Cruz and John Kasich out of the race, Donald Trump is now the presumptive Republican nominee. This is absolutely sickening to me.

In an interview with the ABC show “This Week,” he responded to his sexist comments by saying that his candidacy is “for fun” and he is just an “entertainer.”

He is trying to become the president of the United States. As President Obama aptly put it, the election is not a reality show.

Donald Trump can’t even do his “entertainer” job very well. Last summer, NBC fired him and refused to air his beauty pageants over the nasty things he has said about immigrants. They refused to air his Miss Universe and Miss USA pageants.

Trump has said so many nasty comments that the Daily Show used them to make an entire rap song. The lyrics were full of the various nasty things he’s said about people.

Trump defended himself, saying that the things other politicians say about him behind closed doors are worse than the things we hear from him. He is gaining plenty of Republican voters, but he is doing horribly amongst Democrat candidates. Clinton is around seven points ahead of him in polls.

Megyn Kelly supposedly came up to his office to make peace. He says he won with women, men, old, young, and other groups. Trump also said that he has some women in his company that make more than men in the same jobs.

He was also asked if Bill Clinton’s antics can be used against him, and he said that he thinks that the topic is not off the table. He said that Bill Clinton has abused the most women of any politician ever.

This man is unfit as a human being, let alone as a political candidate.

Featured image by Gage Skidmore via Flickr, available under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic license.

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