Unfortunately, this is happening in my home state. Pastor David Perry of the New Selmont Baptist Church in Selma, Alabama starved his dog for two days to make a point about Biblical obedience.
He put a bucket of food in front of the dog, Cowboy, whom he had trained to only eat on command. He explained his cruel metaphor:
“I believe that after you spend some time walking in dominion, everything around you should obey you. Now, I know, Cowboy, I ain’t fed him in about two days just for this video. And I know that Cowboy, you’re hungry ain’t you boy?”
He put the food in front of the dog and only allowed him to eat one bite at a time.
Thousands of people shared his video, which makes me wonder how many people are ok with this? If Perry had done this to a human, he would be in jail right now.
Perry says that we have dominion over things, and he somehow used this to defend his animal cruelty. He argued that humans have dominion over animals as a segue into the idea that God has dominion over all of us. There has got to be a better way to illustrate that point without being cruel to anyone, animal or human.
Here is the Bible verse he is referring to when talking about “dominion:”
“Then God said, ‘Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.'”
Pastor Perry, please don’t include animal cruelty in your sermons.
Featured image is a screengrab via YouTube.