One of the biggest issues in the news right now is these “bathroom bills.” North Carolina and other states have passed laws to force transgender people to use the bathroom corresponding to the sex they were born with, not the sex they identify with now.
Many people and companies are boycotting the state. Governor Pat McCrory is proposing we revisit the Civil Rights Act to go back to segregated bathrooms.
Target came out and said that transgender people can use the bathrooms and fitting rooms that correspond to their gender identity. Naturally, Conservatives are losing their sh*t over it. Target is facing boycotts and right-wing backlash because of it.
Many people would love to see Target go back on their statement, but the CEO, Brian Cornell, refuses to give in to RWNJs. Conservatives keep insisting that sexual predators will take advantage of this policy to go after women and children. This is a myth, but the Republicans are still running with it.
Target is committed to diversity. They just want to make all of their guests feel welcome. Cornell said:
“We had a lot of tough feedback. But sitting here today, I know we made the right decision.”
He also said that they are working on providing single-stall “family bathrooms” at their stores.
Cornell also had this to say about the company:
“We took a stance. We’re going to continue to embrace our belief in diversity and inclusion, just how important that is to our company. But we’re also going to make sure our focus on safety is unwavering.”
I don’t know about you, but this makes me want to shop at Target.
Here is part of an interview with Cornell on the subject:
Featured image via YouTube.