The controversy over Donald Trump’s reluctance to release his tax returns has led to a hashtag war on Twitter, initiated by Comedy Central’s The Daily Show, and it’s hilarious.

The Daily Show’s host, Trevor Noah, introduced yesterday’s segment by stating that releasing your tax return is not something you HAVE to do running for president, but it’s something you are expected to do. Noah likened it with washing your hands after going to the bathroom:

“You don’t HAVE to do it. You cannot get arrested for not doing it. But at least it helps us know there is no lingering s**t.”

Then Noah recapped Trump’s tax return excuses which began in 2011:

“Maybe I’m gonna do the tax returns when Obama does his birth certificate.”

Which Obama did, only eight days after Trump’s statement. Another excuse followed in 2015, when Trump called for the release of Hillary Clinton’s emails, which, by the way, had already been released to the State Department.

Now Trump doesn’t want to release his tax returns because he’s being audited. Instead, Trump released his thoughts on why he’s being audited:

“Maybe because of religion. Maybe because of the fact that I’m a strong Christian and I feel strongly about it, and maybe there is a bias?”

Noah concluded that since Nixon released his tax return during an audit, Trump is shadier than Nixon. And this is when Noah had enough of Trump’s duck´n´dodging and turned straight to Trump with a plea:

“Why are you afraid to release your tax returns? Why? Nothing in these tax returns can hurt you. Nothing hurts you, you are the new ’Teflon Don.’ The only thing that sticks to you is whatever bronzer you use.”

Noah cleverly ended the plea with another plea:

“Right now, Donald Trump, this tax return is making you look weak. Before you know it, everyone is going to start tweeting the hashtag #weakdonald.'”

Sure enough, Twitter is now flooded with #weakdonald @realdonaldtrump tweets, demanding  Trump to release his taxes. Some Twitter users are taking the opportunity to joke that the time has come to unclench his infamous small hands, while others add caricatures:

However, there is no response from Trump’s own Twitter account, @realdonaldtrump, at the time of the writing.

Has The Daily Show’s Trevor Noah finally found a way for Trump’s name-calling tantrums to come back to haunt him?