WTF?! Congressman Peter King Decides To Use An Anti-Asian Slur On Live TV (Video)

Peter King is a Republican Congressman from New York, and is not a big fan of the man who will be the GOP nominee for President, Donald Trump.

On Friday, while appearing on MSNBC, King was discussing Trump’s foreign policy views on “Morning Joe” when he let fly with this bit of insensitive verbiage:

“There’s real issues with him, real problems with his views. I don’t know if he’s thought them through, or if it’s just like the guy at the end of the bar that says, ‘Oh screw them, bomb them, kill them, pull out, bring them home. You know, why pay for the Japs, why pay for the Koreans?”

I have relatives who fought in World War II, and I never once heard any of them use that term to describe one of the Axis enemies in the war. It’s derogatory and small-minded, meant to insult and harm another person.

When King was confronted about the remark later in the day by a reporter from The Hill, the Congressman refused to apologize, saying


“I stand by the merits of what I said. I was quoting the guy at the end of the bar who needlessly offends, who makes snaps decisions and doesn’t care, who suddenly says, ‘The hell with them, the Japs and Koreans.’

“If someone wants to say, ‘The mick at the end of the bar,’ I wouldn’t be offended by it.”

And while you’re at it, Congressman, why not just go ahead and toss out the N-word a few times and dredge up some hateful things to say about those who are Jewish, Muslim, and Hispanic?

As it turns out, Peter King may like to pretend he doesn’t support Donald Trump, but he’s more like Trump than he cares to admit.

Watch King on MSNBC:

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