Over the years, I’ve had a lot of people ask me, “How can you be a Christian and be a Democrat?” Well, it looks like that I, and like-minded left-leaning Christians, may finally have a definitive answer for those who wonder how you can be a Christian and a liberal. It seems that a significant slice of the religious right is getting on the Donald Trump bandwagon.
Monday’s edition of The New York Times reveals–below the fold–that a growing number of fundie leaders are willing to back Trump for president. For the better part of the last year, many social conservatives have been lukewarm at best and openly hostile at worst to the Donald. But that seems to have changed now that he has the nomination all but sewn up.
It’s not out of any love for Trump. It’s because they’re scared at the thought of Hillary Clinton, one of their pet hates for the last two decades, in the White House. Some of them are unusually open about it. Penny Nance of Concerned Women for America admitted that Trump wasn’t anywhere near the top of her list. However, “any concerns about him pale in contrast to Hillary Clinton.”
Marjorie Dannenfelser of the Susan B. Anthony List is a bellwether. Back in January, she joined several other anti-abortion women in declaring Trump “unacceptable” for anyone who believes in defending “both unborn children and the dignity of women.” But now, whatever she thinks about Trump’s demeanor “doesn’t matter an iota.” The prospect that the next president will appoint at least one and as many as four justices to the Supreme Court apparently changed her mind.
Ralph Reed, former executive director of the Christian Coalition and current head of the Faith and Freedom Coalition, is a close friend of Trump’s. He believes fundies are warming to the Donald because they want to believe he’s evolving into one of them. To those wondering how they can support someone who has been married three times and garnered much of his wealth from gambling, he points out that evangelicals are “far more forgiving” than non-evangelicals seem to believe of politicians’ foibles.
Trump himself has sent out a number of signals that sound like sweet music to fundies’ ears. He has hinted that he will appoint justices who will reverse Roe v. Wade, and also condemned the marriage equality decision. He reiterated his vow to appoint anti-abortion justices last week. The fact that Sarah Palin seems to be on his short list of potential running mates could only help him with this crowd a swell. A lot of fundies still love the Mama Grizzly, even though we in the reality-based world cringe at the thought of her being on a major-party ticket.
What we’re seeing, from where I sit, is the product of 35-plus years of preachers drilling into people’s heads that Democrats are God-haters and baby-killers. For most of that time, they’ve been fed a line similar to what Dave Daubenmire took two years ago–Christians have no business voting for Democrats. In case you missed it, watch here.
Due to this kind of agitprop, dozens of people have been brainwashed into thinking that if they vote for a Democrat–whether he or she is white, black, or polka-dotted–it could threaten their salvation. One of my now-former friends told me as much when she said that we were “unequally yoked” as friends since it was not possible for me to be “sold out 100% to Christ” and be a liberal.
That mentality is how some of the poorest areas of the country give Republican candidates ludicrous margins. On paper, they have no business voting for a Republican. However, they’ve been so brainwashed on social issues that they’re willing to vote for any schmuck with an “R” next to his or her name.
Apparently the religious right wants us to think, “abortion bad, plastering private cell phone numbers on social media good.” They also want us to think, “gay rights bad, mocking the disabled good.” Or “socially liberal views bad, condoning violence at rallies good.” I admit, I may be oversimplifying things a little–okay, a lot. But that’s the mental contortion they seem to be asking born-again voters to make.
Thanks, but no thanks. This just gave me all the more reason to vote for Hillary Clinton –with no regrets whatsoever.