Having fallen far short in his quest for the 2016 GOP nomination, former Florida Governor Jeb Bush is now doing what can best be described as a post-mortem on his failed campaign and also blasting Donald Trump for the insensitive tweet the Donald sent out on Cinco de Mayo. In case you forgot, here’s the tweet:
Happy #CincoDeMayo! The best taco bowls are made in Trump Tower Grill. I love Hispanics! https://t.co/ufoTeQd8yA pic.twitter.com/k01Mc6CuDI
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 5, 2016
Bush–who is married to a Mexican immigrant–called the posting “insensitive,” and he added:
“First, not all Hispanics are Mexican. Secondly, not all Hispanics eat tacos. Thirdly, showing your sensitivity by eating an American dish is the most insensitive thing you can do. Fourthly, to say this, next to all things he already said, is a further insult. It’s like eating a watermelon and saying ‘I love African-Americans.'”
And as for the GOP, Bush wondered aloud if the party could be relevant in the Age of Trump. The blame for Trump and the damage he may do to the Republican Party, Bush noted, is easy to place:
“This guy. If we lose in November, we Republicans have ourselves to blame.”
Will Bush vote for Trump in November if he does indeed become the GOP nominee? No, but he also indicted that didn’t mean he’d vote for Hillary Clinton, either.
Like most Republicans, Bush also tried to pass some of the blame for Trump along to the media as a way of exonerating himself for being such a terrible candidate:
“Parties no longer stand for anything, but become a vehicle for the ambitions of their leaders. Politics becomes a personality show.
Poor little Jebbie. His feelings are still hurt from the bruising he took this year from Trump. Perhaps if he’d been more aggressive earlier and attacked the Donald head on, he might still be in the running. And now he’s trying to refurbish his own tarnished political reputation.
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