Ann Coulter may well be Donald Trump’s biggest fan and supporter. She is so happy to have finally found a politician who’s as racist and xenophobic as her. And every chance she gets, she sings the Donald’s praises and spouts off hateful rhetoric that matches his own.

This week, Ann gave an interview to the BBC in Great Britain, and she seemed to be more unhinged than usual, telling radio host James Naughtie that if Trump loses in November:

“It’s over for America.”

While she was at it, Coulter also attacked any conservative who might support comprehensive immigration reform, saying Americans feel “betrayed” by those who have allowed “rapist, drug dealer Mexicans” into the United States.

Naughtie attempted to ask Coulter about a parallel to her position and that of the Jews who were fleeing persecution in the 20th century. That led Coulter to mutter:

“Oh God, not the Jews again.”

Coulter then said “the Jews” had not “overwhelmed” the population the way Hispanic immigrants have.

And never willing to pass up an opportunity to burnish her Islamophobic credentials, Coulter wondered aloud, “What good are (the Muslims)?” She added that most Muslims are engaged in criminal activity when they aren’t engaging in terrorism:

“We’ve been very generous to the rest of the world, but it’s got to stop now.”

Asked what would happen if Trump is not the next President, Coulter proclaimed:

“We’ll be homesick forever.”

Here’s the interview:

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