WATCH: Hillary Clinton On Trump’s Failure To Release Tax Returns: He Doesn’t Have The ‘Level Of Success He Claims’

On Sunday Hillary Clinton sat down with Chuck Todd for an interview on NBC’s Meet The Press. The former Secretary of State took the opportunity to call out Donald Trump for the massive delay in releasing his taxes, suggesting the presumptive Republican presidential nominee may be pulling the wool over America’s eyes in regards to just how wealthy he actually is.

Clinton explained to Todd that making America great is a task that involves footing the bill for a lot of services that keep the country afloat. She felt it to be unfair for Americans to elect a president who chooses not to release his personal tax information to the American people. Clinton suggested that America doesn’t know enough about Donald Trump and that part of a candidate proving themselves to be “presidential” requires being honest about their finances.

“There’s no evidence he has any ideas about making America great, as he advertises. He seems to be particularly focused on making himself appear great,” the former Secretary of State explained.

Todd asked Clinton about the possibility of Mark Cuban serving as her VP, to which Clinton responded saying she intends to look “far and wide” to ensure she chooses the best possible person to serve not only her, but the country, as her VP. She expressed her interest in looking at potential business people to fill the position, making it clear that she’s only interested in “successful business people who are really successful as opposed to pretend successful,” sending a clever dig toward Trump.

Clinton made it very clear that Trump ought to release his tax returns, saying:

“I think he needs to release his tax returns. The only two we have show that he hasn’t paid a penny in taxes. And yet he goes around talking about making America great… that means paying for our military, that means paying for our roads… that means paying for the VA. That means a lot of things. And if you’ve got someone running for president who’s afraid to release his tax returns because it will expose the fact that he pays no federal income tax, I think that’s a big problem.”

Cementing her point, she told Todd:

“That’s why he should release his tax returns, to prove that he actually has the level of success he claims to have.”

Watch Clinton’s full interview on Meet The Press below, via YouTube:

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