Aubrey Perry (image from Perry's Facebook)
Aubrey Perry (image from Perry’s Facebook)

A few weeks ago, I told you about Aubrey Perry, an American expatriate living in Australia. She felt compelled to break off contact with her parents when she discovered that they had become fanatical supporters of Donald Trump. Before you call this an overreaction, Perry is married to a black man, and they have a daughter together. Needless to say, Perry found it unconscionable that her parents could support a man who didn’t know whether he should accept the support of white nationalists.

Well, it seems that Perry kicked over a hornet’s nest of hate when she told her story to The (Melbourne) Age–a story that was picked up by a number of American blogs. On Monday, Perry checked her phone to discover she’d been bombarded with hateful tweets. Here are some samples:

It turns out that one of the most noxious racist–er, “white nationalist”–sites, The Daily Stormer, had gotten wind of her column and called for a troll raid on Perry’s Twitter feed. Apparently, in the world of these neo-Nazi knuckledraggers, calling out your parents for effectively giving the finger to their own son-in-law and granddaughter is a sign of “the perfidiousness of the female high on Jew culture.” It’s also evidence that women shouldn’t be allowed to have any real role in society.

A woman who speaks out against her parents for condoning bigotry? How dare she! A woman who has her own mind? Oh noes–her strings must be being pulled by the Jews! That’s basically what you have to believe in the white supremacist world.

The site’s owner, Andrew Anglin, warned Perry that she was setting herself up to be murdered by “your husband or your monkey-spawn”–but in the short term, she was about to get a well-deserved troll attack. Apparently Anglin’s followers listened. And they found it acceptable to attack a little girl in the process. Disgraceful. But then again, that’s to be expected from a crew who finds it acceptable to launch ugly anti-Semitic attacks on reporters who dare to speak out against the almighty Donald.

Perry didn’t take this lying down. In a follow-up column in The Age, Perry said that the Twitter attack was evidence that Trump was “scratching at a familiar itch” for an element of white America–the fear that the growing political power of minorities is a direct threat to them. She believes that Trump has not only tapped into a spike in anti-black and anti-Hispanic attitudes, but “welcomes these sentiments into his campaign.”

Apparently, based on what happened to Perry, Trump has tapped into something else. Apparently independent-minded women are a threat to this element as well.