Recently, Donald Trump assured his supporters that his campaign was flush with money. Like everything Trump says, it was a big, fat, stinking lie. As it so happens, the Trump for President campaign is nearly broke. So tapped out, in fact, that they will be unable to run any television ads until after the GOP convention in July.
As was first reported by the Washington Examiner:
“Donald Trump’s campaign has alerted Senate Republicans that he won’t have much money to spend fending off attacks from Hillary Clinton over the next couple months.
“The notice came when Paul Manafort, Trump’s senior advisor, met with a group of Senate Republican chiefs of staff for lunch last week, sources familiar with the meeting told the Washington Examiner. The admission suggests that Trump will be far more dependent on the GOP brass for money than he has led voters to believe, but it’s consistent with his reliance on the Republican National Committee to provide a ground game in battleground states.”
So now the Clinton campaign knows that Trump has no cash left on hand to counter the all of the attack ads that are planned by both the Clinton camp and the super PACs which are supporting her. This could wind up costing Trump the election, because for over a month you will be hearing nothing but radio silence from his campaign in the way of ads.
The report from the Examiner also noted:
“They know that they’re not going to have enough money to be on TV in June and probably most of July, until they actually accept the nomination and get RNC funds, so they plan to just use earned media to compete on the airwaves.”
This seems odd since Trump says he’s worth $10 billion and loves to brag that he’s self-financing his campaign. The total worth of this arrogant piece of crap is a lie, and so is the line about self-financing. If Trump has so much money, why not float the campaign a loan to so he can run ads?
For now, we can enjoy the perfect karma of the moment. Trump’s campaign coffers are empty. Should be fun to see how he spins this one.
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