Unfortunately for a lot of gullible folks, get rich quick schemes rarely work. But people keep trying them anyway.
There are currently two class action lawsuits against Donald Trump’s so called “University.” “So called” because it never gave out college credits or degrees. There is also a pending lawsuit by the State of New York. All claim that the University failed to live up to its promises.

It was supposed to teach its graduates how to use the real estate market to make themselves rich, like Trump.
While attending Trump University, students paid up to $35,000 to learn the tricks of the real estate trade. Many of the students, though, claim that everything they were taught was common knowledge and could have been learned for free.
They say that most of the courses were just advertisements for expensive classes.
Donald Trump, of course, disagrees. CNN reports that Trump has repeatedly claimed that his students were delighted with his courses. He blames the lawsuit on students who just didn’t apply themselves after his university taught them everything they needed to know.
Federal judge orders the release of internal documents from Trump University https://t.co/pxFHjn9TJo pic.twitter.com/C79GtUTPvD
— ABC News (@ABC) May 29, 2016
As part of the lawsuits, lawyers representing the students have asked that internal documents from the university be released. Trump’s lawyers have refused to release those documents, including some referred to as “playbooks,” which detail how the venture was run.
They claim that the documents contain trade secrets which should be kept private.
Judge Gonzalo Curiel disagreed, writing that since the start of the court case, Trump has become the presumptive nominee for the Republican Party and therefore the information is of public interest.
He has ordered that the documents be released this week.
In typical Trump style, the defendant has publicly ranted against the judge by saying:
“The trial is going to take place sometime in November. There should be no trial. This should have been dismissed on summary judgment easily, everybody says it. But I have judge who is a hater of Donald Trump, a hater. He’s a hater.”
He had one more jab to add to his attack on the integrity of Judge Curiel:
“The judge, who happens to be, we believe, Mexican, which is great. I think that’s fine.”
Of course, Donald. The problem is those damn Mexicans again. It isn’t that you ripped off thousands of students.
It will be very interesting and potentially damaging to the GOP nominee to see what is contained in the documents to be released this week. Were there specific directions to mislead students? How was the program promoted?
We’ll find out soon. I can’t wait!