Fox Poll Shows Hispanics Hate Trump, Racist Trolls Retaliate On Social Media

If there’s one thing you can count on in this world–such as the sun rising in the East and setting in the West–it’s that those who support Donald Trump are even more racist and xenophobic than he is. And that’s really saying something.

Fox News, the official propaganda wing of the Republican Party, tweeted out a poll this morning showing just how universally hated Trump is in the Hispanic community:

Within minutes, the Trump minions who love to hang out on social media and spread their hatred, took over and began pumping out some of the most hateful bilge you’re likely to see this side of a Trump campaign rally:

Amazing how ignorant one group of people can be, isn’t it? Then again, since they buy the lies of Donald Trump, perhaps we should grade them on a curve. As you can see from their postings, most of them cannot even spell, let alone manage to use logic and reason in their arguments, which are just a specious as the words Trump uses to deceive them.

November cannot get here soon enough. Then we can be rid of this cancer on the country and hopefully his followers will crawl back under the rocks they slithered from.

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