The former president of Telemundo, Nely Galan, appeared on the Fox News morning show “Fox and Friends” earlier today, and she wasted no time schooling the utterly clueless hosts.

The hosts were asking Galan about how Donald Trump could get Latinos to vote for him, and the dimwitted Brian Kilmeade declared that Trump was just opposed to “illegal immigrants, not immigrants.”

Galan wasted no time setting Kilmeade straight, telling him:

“That’s like saying, ‘I like this minority but not that minority.’ It’s not fair because when you talk about people en masse, right — it’s like if you say to me, ‘I don’t like illegal immigrants,’ well, I’m one of those people at one point.

“We don’t even like that word. Illegal immigrant, it’s undocumented people.”

The vapid Kilmeade then asked:

“What do you call people that come across the border without permission?”

Didn’t Galan just address that issue? Kilmeade was sitting right there when she told him. Again she reminded him:

“People that come across the border are undocumented. When you speak about people in a way that’s not lifting them up, that’s not honoring all the good things that they’re doing and what you hear is something’s wrong with these people. That’s not the right messaging.”

Messaging? The only message Donald Trump and his mindless cheerleaders at Fox News are interested in is one of hatred and division.

Here’s the segment from this morning on Fox News:

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