The PGA announced it is moving its tournament off of the resort owned by Republican frontrunner, Donald Trump, and to Mexico City instead. Since Trump opened his campaign by insulting Mexicans we knew that, obviously, The Donald would be angry about this. We were right.

When the news first broke yesterday, Trump said:

“They’re moving it to Mexico City which, by the way, I hope they have kidnapping insurance.

The PGA has now become the latest target of Trump’s rage-filled antics. Last week it was his Trump University scam. Trump spokesperson Katrina Pierce compared the “University” to Harvard, according to RawStory via Liberal America:

“Like saying if you graduate from Harvard and you don’t have the same outcome in your profession as everyone else, you should sue Harvard. And that’s just simply absurd.”

Trump has made an odd, ominous comment about the golf tournament moving to Mexico, according to the Washington Post:

But that’s okay. Folks, it’s all going to be settled, you vote for Donald Trump as president. If I become your president, this stuff is all going to stop.

He also reiterated his desire to build a wall across the Mexican border, and he expressed dislike of companies who are moving to Mexico.

What does that mean, “this is all going to stop”? Is Trump talking about moving things to Mexico, or what? It seems almost threatening.

They are not the first sponsor to get rid of Trump. Not long after announcing his candidacy, NBC dropped the Miss USA and Miss Universe pageants from its network, and severed all ties with Trump. NBC disagreed with Trump’s comments that all Mexicans are “criminals” and “rapists.” Trump also left Celebrity Apprentice, although he claims it was so he could run for president.

A minister in Ohio who is a big Trump supporter said:

Mexico is going to pay directly, or Mexico is going to pay indirectly. It reminds me of a friend that I had years ago, OK? Let me say this for the record. He said, ‘You’re going to give me my money or I’m going to break your legs and you’re going to give me my money.’ Mexico will pay for the wall or Trump will break them down.

I guess he wants to stop companies from moving jobs overseas? When he said “this stuff is going to stop,” did he mean that? Does he have other ideas for “stuff” to do to Mexico? Our presidential candidates should not be randomly threatening people.

Featured image by DonkeyHotey via Flickr, available under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic license.