Look Who Called Trump A ‘Small, Insecure, Money-Grubber’!

The Massachusetts Democratic Party hosted its state convention on Saturday. Given the fact that the state now has a Republican governor, you would think that the focus of the convention would have been on attacking him.

But, no. Progressive favorite Senator Elizabeth Warren had her eyes and her mouth fixed firmly on Donald Trump. According to an article in the Huffington Post, she didn’t hesitate to blast the presumptive GOP nominee, calling him a fraud and a liar.

Trump and Warren have been engaging in a war of words on Twitter for the past couple of months. He has referred to her as “Goofy Elizabeth Warren” and she’s come right back at his lack of honesty and more.

At the Mass. Convention, the outspoken Senator was even sharper as she said:

“Every day there’s another story or incident that completely disqualifies him from being president. Every day there’s another piece of evidence that exposes this small, insecure money-grubber.”

Warren addressed Trump’s multiple lies, saying that it’s nearly impossible to keep up with the lies that come out every single day.

She saved her harshest criticism for the dishonestly named “Trump University” which is currently facing multiple lawsuits alleging fraud. Warren specifically spoke about the internal documents called “playbooks,” which the judge ordered Trump to release last week.

Speaking about these, Warren said:

“His playbook said to look for people with problems; they make good targets.”

Warren went further in her scathing summary of Trump’s business practices as she said:

“These were ordinary folks who were targeted because they had problems and Trump saw they were vulnerable and he could make a buck. Here’s a man who builds a business to profit off other people’s pain. He wants to be commander-in-chief, but he’s qualified only to be fraudster-in-chief.”

Senator Elizabeth Warren has earned her reputation as a strong, fearless woman. She called for significant punishments for the bankers who created the 2008 financial crisis. She was among the first politicians to call for an end to student debt.

Now she is daring to call Donald Trump exactly what he is: A fraud, a huckster, a small minded bully.

Warren summed up her thoughts about Trump this way:

“Donald Trump says he likes to see women on their knees. Well, that’s not happening, Donald.”

Featured image via YouTube screenshot.

Karen is a retired elementary school teacher with many years of progressive activism behind her. She is the proud mother of three young adults who were all arrested with Occupy Wall Street. To see what she writes about in her spare time, check out her blog at "Empty Nest, Full Life"