The American Family Association (AFA) says they have a perfect way to save millions of dollars in federal research money that’s currently spent on HIV?AIDS: Just tell all gay people to “stop doing what they’re doing.”
The AFA, acting in response to President Obama’s recent proclamation which commemorated LGBT pride month, posted a video of three AFA members discussing the President’s action. Tim Wildmon, head of the AFA, begins by stating:
“You know, one of the real ironies of this proclamation is the president here cites the need for more funding for HIV/AIDS. But, unlike Michelle Obama, who advocates that children stay off the sodas, he doesn’t advocate behavior change when it comes to homosexual behavior affecting your health. Why doesn’t he say, ‘Stop doing what you’re doing and you won’t get AIDS?'”
Public policy analyst and clueless bigot Abe Hamilton then chimes in and declares:
“I think once again you highlight one of the glaring episodes of hypocrisy that comes from secular progressivism as applied to public policy. In terms of other health areas, well, you need to get exercise, you need to cut the sugars, you need to not eat sodas, but in terms of homosexuality, there’s no adjustment needed in your behavior, we just need to pour more money into treating the results of the behavior.”
Wildmon seconds Hamilton’s statement with this bit of nonsense:
“Even though it’s very provable that engaging in homosexual activity is dangerous to your health, in the same way that smoking is, or sugar, too much sugar, or anything of that nature.”
Know what’s dangerous to the overall health of this nation? Ignorant religious bigots who think they know how everyone else should act and pretend their “concern” is somehow not connected to their own narrow-minded view of the world that they try to pretend is supported by the Bible. People and groups like the AFA give Christianity a very bad name.
If you think you can stand to watch it, here’s the video the AFA posted on their website:
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