Donald Trump Loses Puerto Rican Primary For Hilarious Reason (VIDEO)

Donald Trump (R-N.Y.) just lost the Puerto Rican primary 71 to 14 to a candidate that isn’t even in the race anymore, Senator Marco Rubio (R-Fla.). This killed the myth that Donald Trump can win among Latino voters.

Rubio wrote a letter to the Alaska Republicans saying that he wanted to keep his delegates and make the convention contested. He misspelled the “United States” in the letter. Rubio suspended his campaign in March.

Puerto Rico would rather elect the guy that can’t spell “United States.” Trump is not doing well among Latino Republicans in general. Trump is not only bad at bringing in new Latino voters, he is doing badly with the Latinos who are already Republicans.

Trump’s rhetoric has hurt a large swath of voters. He has said that Mexicans coming into the country are rapists and criminals. Trump wants to build a big border wall, and he wants to have mass deportations.

Puerto Ricans cannot vote in the general election, but they can vote in the primaries to give the candidates delegates. Marco Rubio was the only Republican candidate to actually spend any time in Puerto Rico.

On the Democratic side of things, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton (D-N.Y.) won the Puerto Rican primary. This is only the second Democratic primary that Puerto Rico has participated in.

Sec. Clinton is getting close to being the first woman to be nominated for president. There is just one more round of primaries left, and are being held today in the states of California, New Jersey, New Mexico, South Dakota, and Montana.

If counting superdelegates, Clinton only needs 29 more delegates to reach the 2,383 needed to win the nomination. She also won the caucus in the U.S. Virgin Islands, taking all seven delegates at stake.

Puerto Rico is facing an economic crisis right now. Turnout was high in this primary because Puerto Ricans are voting for other offices, including the governor and senators.

Featured image by Gage Skidmore via Flickr, available under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic license.

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