7 Of Donald Trump’s Biggest Lies (So Far)

Donald Trump is an inveterate liar. He lies 24/7, 365 days a year. Worse, he lies even when the truth would be more beneficial to him! Trump lies so much it’s nearly impossible to keep up with all of the falsehoods.

But now there’s a website dedicated to documenting and indexing Trump’s endless stream of whoppers: TrumpLies.com. Here’s 7 of the most egregious lies the Donald has told so far:

  • The Unemployment Rate is 42 Percent:

“Don’t believe those phony numbers when you hear 4.9 and 5 percent unemployment. The number’s probably 28, 29, as high as 35. In fact, I even heard recently 42 percent.”

The Truth: Uh, no. The only credible figures show that if you count those who have stopped looking for work and all others, the rate would still be no higher than 15 percent. But hey, what’s 27 percentage points when you’re trying to run a campaign?

  • Trump Claims He “Predicted Osama bin Laden” Was About to Attack the United States:

In various speeches and interviews, Trump (aka Nostradamus of the Modern Age) has claimed that two years before the 9/11 attacks, he tried to warned that Osama bin Laden was a threat and planned to “do damage” to the United States.

The Truth: Well before 9/11, experts, news organizations, and even bin Laden himself said he planned to attack the United States.

  • Trump Says His “Border Wall” Will Only Cost $8 Billion:

The Truth: After a Washington Post fact check appeared, Trump increased the projected cost to $12 billion. That’s still too low. A reasonable estimate is $25 billion.

  • Trump Says Hillary Clinton Doesn’t Do Well With Women in Polls:

“Frankly, (Hillary Clinton) doesn’t do very well with women.”

The Truth: Examining a cross-section of April polls, Clinton’s average lead over Trump among female voters is bigger than any nominee has registered in a presidential election election in at least 36 years.

  • Trump Says He Built His Business Empire With a “Small Loan” From His Daddy:

The Donald is always saying that he build his real-estate empire from a “small” $1 million loan provided by his father.

The Truth: Trump benefited from numerous loans and loan guarantees–as well as his father’s connections–to make the move into Manhattan. His father also set up lucrative trusts that provided steady income. When Donald Trump became overextended in the casino business, his father then bailed him out with a questionable casino-chip loan. Also, Trump borrowed heavily against his future inheritance.

  • Trump Maintains “There’s Nothing to Learn” From His Tax Returns:

Trump says there’s no reason to release his tax returns, and also claims he cannot because he’s being audited.

The Truth:

Even if you’re being audited, the IRS does not prohibit you from releasing your returns. Also, what might be learned from them is that Trump is not worth the $10 billion he loves to brag about. Additionally, those returns might show that he gives nearly nothing to charity and hides most of his money in tax shelters.

  • Trump Claims “Thousands” of Muslims in New Jersey Celebrated the 9/11 Attacks:

The Donald says he saw news reports of Muslims celebrating in New Jersey on 9/11. He has doubled and tripled down on this one numerous times.

The Truth: This has never been confirmed, and Trump has never produced the footage he claims to have seen on television.

h/t TrumpLies.com