Are the Republicans in denial about Donald Trump (R-N.Y.) as their nominee? Or is there a new plan afoot to contest his nomination at the convention? Judging from the GOP website, the Grand Old Party does not seem delighted with its presumptive presidential nominee.

With the Republican National Convention coming up in little more than a month, and with polls showing that Republican voters are rallying behind Trump, you’d think that he would be featured prominently on the Republican party homepage.

But you’d be wrong. In fact, Trump is nowhere on it. Neither his name nor his image can be found on

No Trump
Image: Screenshot Of GOP Homepage

Considering that it’s been more than a month since Trump clinched the Republican nomination, the GOP has had plenty of time to update its website. So why haven’t they?

As Talking Points Memo pointed out, Democrats Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders (I-VT) are there. In fact, Clinton is there twice. TPM also found past Republican presidents George H. W. Bush, Ronald Reagan and even Abraham Lincoln. But there’s no sign of Trump, the guy who is supposed to lead us out of the eight-year nightmare of the Barack Obama presidency.

This makes yesterday’s article in the Los Angeles Times, about prominent Republicans having second thoughts over having endorsed Trump, all the more interesting:

“Key Republican figures are again entertaining an alternative to Donald Trump as their party’s nominee, sparking fresh talk about a contested convention this summer in Cleveland.”

The video below, called Where You Lead, Others Will Follow, is prominently featured on It also makes no mention of Trump, the GOP’s presumptive leader.

It does seem geared toward minority outreach though. Watch the video here:

Featured image: Screensot Via