Trump Supporter Claims Donald Is A Feminist: ‘We’re Fighting For Unborn Women’s Rights’

Donald Trump is a dedicated feminist. What, you weren’t aware of that? Sure, Trump loves to call women “disgusting pigs” and speculate on how they’d look good on their knees, but he’s a feminist. Are you convinced yet? Me either.

But according to Trump supporter and former News Director at the Tea Party Network, Scottie Nell Hughes, Donald Trump is indeed a feminist. Appearing on CNN, Hughes declared:

“We actually are fighting for women’s rights — the unborn womens’ rights. We are pro-life for a reason. We want all women to have the chance to live. And men as well. So yes, I consider him to be very feminist when it comes to the pro-life era.”

Hughes then went even further and claimed Trump has a great record of promoting women in his companies, but she was shut down by former Michigan Governor Jennifer Granholm, who reminded Hughes that female campaign staffers who work for Trump are paid almost 30 percent less than their male counterparts. In comparison, Hillary Clinton’s campaign has no such discrepancy when it comes to gender.

The debate then turned to healthcare for women, and Granholm noted:

“So [Trump] supports the fact that the states are closing down all of these Planned Parenthood clinics, that there is a complete effort on the part of states with Republican governors to shut down womens’ access to health care. I’m certain that he supports that.”

Hughes, like nearly every person who supports Trump’s ever-shifting and contradictory positions on every issue, tried to change the parameters of the debate:

“You need to separate women’s health care from abortion. If they are sitting there doing tax-funded abortions, those should be shut down.”

What Hughes neglected to mention is that federal funds provided to Planned Parenthood are, by law, not allowed to be used for abortion. They are instead used for programs such as cancer screenings and other health issues.

So Donald Trump is a feminist? Yeah, and I have a stable full of unicorns on my nonexistent ranch on Mars.

Watch the lunacy for yourself:

Featured Image Via CNN Screengrab