Donald Trump’s recent attacks against judge Gonzalo Curiel for his Mexican-American heritage is a prime example of his racist tendencies. I’m sure that Curiel not bowing down to Trump over his Trump University lawsuit is the only reason.

Before Curiel though, he was going after Muslims.

Image via Video

So with this new medication, brought to us by the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), Trump may have some hope for part of his racism. While Mexicans may have to wait, Islamophobia relief is here now.

While the video is total satire (see, Muslims have a sense of humor) CAIR is a very progressive organization, with a mission statement that reads:

“CAIR’s vision is to be a leading advocate for justice and mutual understanding. CAIR’s mission is to enhance understanding of Islam, encourage dialogue, protect civil liberties, empower American Muslims, and build coalitions that promote justice and mutual understanding.”

The medication video released by CAIR starts out with an announcer asking:

“Do you think your neighbor is a terrorist?”

This question is asked while two neighbors are trimming the bushes of their houses. After a startling attack of Islamophobia, the white neighbor runs away in terror. The announcer then asks:

“Does your fear of Muslims get in the way of living a normal life?”

The video only gets funnier. The medication is finally revealed though: Islamophobin. This chewing gum based medication promises that it:

“Starts working within five-minutes to relieve bigotry and intolerance…Side effects include fondness, brotherhood, acceptance, loss of bigotry, increase in rationality, and possible denouncement of superiority.”

If only it was that easy. Maybe someone can slip some of this to Trump and a large percentage of the Republican Party.