Watch As Crazy Trump Mouthpiece Uses Magic To Change Reality

Donald Trump and his squadron of lunatic supporters believe that it’s possible to defeat terrorists with magic words. Just say “Radical Islam!” and poof! All the bad guys disappear.

That’s not the only magic they can do, either. They can change reality so completely that up becomes down and small becomes huge.

RawStory is reporting on one event in which reality was completely contorted to meet the view of the Trumpsters.

Read this quote from John Bolton, the former Ambassador to the United Nations, and a big Trump fan. In a speech just yesterday Bolton said:

“We get a lecture from one of the most narcissistic individuals ever to hold that job about what’s wrong with the rest of us who don’t have the tolerance that he does. Instead of talking about the enemies of the United States and what he’s going to do, he talks about his political enemies. I just think that’s unpresidential, I think it shows the president to be a small man.

If you read this quickly, of course, you would be convinced that it refers to none other than Donald J. Trump, right?  A whole fleet of mental health professionals have declared Trump to be suffering from narcissistic personality disorder.

As for “talking about his political enemies,” I think that pretty much sums up the entire Trump campaign, don’t you?

It gets even more hilarious, though. When talking about the President’s speech yesterday, in which POTUS reminded people that just saying the words “radical Islam” would not defeat ISIS, Bolton managed to keep a straight face as he stated:

“Snark in a President is not an admirable trait.” 

After my head stopped spinning, I went to look up the definition of snark. I thought that maybe the word implied a certain nuance and subtlety that is lacking in Trump’s verbal assaults. That would explain how Bolton could accuse Obama of snark without seeing it in his hero, Donald J. Trump.

Here is what I found, on the Merriam-Webster site:

“snark-an attitude or expression of mocking irreverence and sarcasm”

Screen Shot 2016-06-15 at 9.21.33 AM
Image via YouTube screengrab

Sort of like mocking a disabled reporter because you didn’t like his question, I suppose. A bit like calling one of your critics “Pocahontas” on social media. It might be considered snarky to make fun of your opponent’s face.

I could go on, but I’m sure you get the point.

Donald Trump and his minions actually think that Americans are stupid enough to fall for these tricks.

It makes me wish there really were magic words to make somebody disappear.

Watch Bolton here, but have your barf bucket handy.

Featured image via YouTube Screengrab.

Karen is a retired elementary school teacher with many years of progressive activism behind her. She is the proud mother of three young adults who were all arrested with Occupy Wall Street. To see what she writes about in her spare time, check out her blog at "Empty Nest, Full Life"