Florida Employee Whines That LGBT Flag Creates A Hostile Work Environment (VIDEO)

Last weekend, we heard about the terrible events in Orlando at the Pulse nightclub where 50 people lost their lives, and the entire LGBT community is mourning the loss of their friends.

This may seem like a crazy scenario; unfortunately, it is real. The county center in Hillsborough, Florida, put up a rainbow flag outside of the building. One employee anonymously complained that the flag was “unbearable,” and created a “hostile work environment.”

Poor thing. The flag too much for you? We are mourning the loss of life, but the flag is just too much for you to bear. Seriously?

The County Commissioner, Stacy White said:

“My office recently received an anonymous phone call from a county employee stating that, because of her strong Christian beliefs, it will be nearly unbearable for her pass the ‘pride’ flag each morning as she enters the workplace. She clearly indicated that the display of that flag, for her, has created a hostile work environment.”

Did Kentucky Clerk Kim Davis move to Florida? What about Alabama’s Chief Justice Roy Moore, where’s he?

White said:

“It is still — in my view — unconscionable that the county administrator didn’t express to the board that this divisive symbol might create an uncomfortable workplace environment for many of his employees.”

It’s not divisive. The only people that would feel uncomfortable about this flag are the ones that think the LGBT community doesn’t deserve equal rights. The people that would be uncomfortable with this are the RWNJs saying that the victims deserved it.

At least one employee has some sense. County Administrator Mike Merrill wrote:

“I believe that I had no reasonable basis to believe that the Board’s action would create a hostile or uncomfortable work environment.”

This lawyer gives us the real definition of a hostile work environment. Religion is not mentioned:

Featured Image Mashup: Screenshot Of Jim Gallagher Video Via YouTube And Photo by Ted Eytan via Flickr/CC by SA-2.0. 

Hi, I'm from Huntsville, AL. I'm a Liberal living in the Bible Belt, which can be quite challenging at times. I'm passionate about many issues including mental health, women's rights, gay rights, and many others. Check out my blog weneedtotalkaboutmentalhealth.com