Donald Trump goes through friends faster than the average first grader. It seems like his favorite phrase, “You’re Fired!”, extends to his social life as well as his business life.

Image via YouTube screengrab.

Trump once sang the praises of Bill and Hillary Clinton, but you can see how that turned out. Yesterday he fired his long time friend and campaign manager, Corey Lewandowski.

Of course, it’s easy to get on Trump’s bad side. All you have to do is question his brilliance once and you’re officially on the sh*t list. Just ask Senator Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.). It certainly happened to him.

In the case of the news media, all you have to do is accurately report Trump’s words and actions and you’ll be blacklisted immediately. You’ll join the likes of the Washington Post in having your press credentials pulled.

RawStory is reporting that Mark Cuban is the latest former friend to be feuding with the Republican probable nominee.

Cuban is the owner of the Dallas Mavericks basketball team and a fellow brash billionaire. He is also one of the panel members of the reality TV show “Shark Tank.” You can see why the two of them were friends.

Now, though, Mark Cuban has spoken out about his old pal. In an interview with the show “Extra,” Cuban said:

“You know what? It’s rare that you see someone get stupider before your eyes, but he’s really working at it. You have to give him credit. It’s a difficult thing to do, but he’s accomplished it.”

What an amazingly accurate takedown!

Cuban went on to say that what bothers him the most is Trump’s lack of a learning curve when it comes to the issues that he would be facing as President. Cuban explained that at one point he was supporting and helping candidate Trump out of a strong dislike of Ted Cruz (R-Tex). He explained:

“But at some point, you’ve got to start learning and understanding the issues, you know? Donald has been at this a year but you don’t look at him and say, ‘Wow, he’s gotten so much smarter on this topic or that topic.’ In fact, you look at him and say, ‘What the hell are you talking about?’ That’s not good for America.”

What the hell are you talking about indeed, Donald Trump? Even the people who used to call you a friend are terrified at the thought of you as our President.

Watch below as Mark Cuban explains why he’d be more likely to vote for Hillary than for Trump.