George Will has a reputation as a thoughtful, highly intelligent conservative journalist. He won a Pulitzer Prize in 1977. He holds Masters and PhD degrees in politics from Princeton University. He has taught politics at Harvard.

George Will has been a renowned conservative voice since the early 1970s. By any standard, he is an intellect, a voice of reason and a respected observer of the political world. He currently writes for the Washington Post.

Donald Trump has his own views, though. Back in May he called Will “a major loser.” He also said:

“You know, he’s a dour guy. Nobody watches him. Very few people listen to him. It’s over for him, and I never want his support.”

We all know what Trump means when he says that someone is a loser. He means that person sees him for the loudmouthed buffoon that he is.

The Huffington Post is reporting that George Will has made his distaste for Trump even more obvious. He announced yesterday that he has changed his voter registration in Maryland from Republican to “unaffiliated.”

Will stated that he can no longer support the Republican Party because of its support for Donald J. Trump. The well respected voice of conservative reason is urging other Republicans to:

“Make sure he loses. Grit their teeth for four years and win the White House.” 

Will said that he decided to leave the Republican Party after the cowardly endorsement of Trump by Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wi).  He now believes that a Democratic President would be a far better choice for the country than Donald Trump would be.

Trump has his own twisted logic about why Will has taken such a drastic step. Of course he does. He claims:

“You know, I had a run-in with him when I was in civilian life. I didn’t wanna go to one of his speeches at Mar-a-Lago. He made a speech at Mar-a-Lago, and I find him to be a very boring person. You know, he’s boring and dull, and I didn’t go to the speech. I said I just don’t wanna go, and he wanted me to go. And I just, you know, it was one of those things. I had something else to do. He never forgot it, and he’s a nasty guy. He’s a very nasty guy. But I have to tell you this: Nobody reads him, he has no influence.”

No Donald, a Pulitzer Prize winning journalist with a PhD did not end his life long party affiliation because he’s pouting. He did it because he is smart. He sees you for the empty bag of self-promoting gas that you are.

Featured image by Gage Skidmore via Flickr, available through a Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike 2.0 Generic license.