We’ve known for some time that the religious right–or at least, a large sector of it–is flocking to Donald Trump after initially keeping its distance. Well, that flood may become even larger. One of the nation’s most prominent culture warriors says that the Donald has been saved and is now one of them.
You may recall that last Tuesday, Trump held a closed-door meeting with several prominent Christianists, at which he announced the formation of an “Evangelical Executive Advisory Board” intended to help build bridges between the presumptive GOP nominee and one of the party’s largest constituencies. After the meeting, Michael Anthony, pastor of Grace Fellowship in York, Pennsylvania; collared one of the board’s members, Focus on the Family founder James Dobson, for an interview.
During this chat, Dobson dropped a bombshell–Trump had recently been saved. Fundie radio show TruNews got a clip; listen here.
Dobson said that a number of evangelical pastors had been “ministering to him (Trump) personally,” and as a result of one of those contacts, “he did accept a relationship with Christ.” He added that it came “fairly recent(ly).” Dobson believed that Trump is a “baby Christian” whose commitment was real, but that he didn’t “know our language” just yet. For instance, he said “hell” no fewer than four times.
Listen to the whole thing here. Dobson said that Trump was “a lot nicer guy” than his public persona. Anthony noticed it as well; he likened Trump to the Apostle Paul. Dobson thinks that Trump is still a bit rough around the edges, mainly because “he didn’t grow up like us.”
However, Trump is certainly talking like them. In a meeting with a smaller group of fundies on Tuesday, Trump openly claimed that “we don’t know anything” about Hillary Clinton’s faith commitment.
Later, Dobson revealed on his blog that prosperity gospel evangelist Paula White, another member of the advisory board, was the one who helped Trump get saved. As Dobson sees it, “we have only two choices”–and the thought of having Hillary as president scares him.
Color this left-leaning charismatic/pentecostal Christian skeptical. Maybe it’s because Trump has yet to apologize to Jorge Ramos for plastering his private cell phone number on social media. Or to apologize to Serge Kovaleski for mocking his disability. Or to disavow the out-and-out thuggery we’ve seen from his supporters.
I could go on, but if Trump really has been saved, he shouldn’t be just throwing red meat to the religious right. He needs to change the entire tone of his campaign. Being saved isn’t just about trying to outconservative people. It’s about letting people see the Jesus in you.