Just when you thought you’d seen and heard all of the blatant and repellant lies that Fox News can tell, they decide to sink to a new low, even for them.
Case in point: Just yesterday Fox News republished a story that originated on the website of conservative commentator and full-time hatemonger Laura Ingraham’s Lifezette website. The headline says it all:
The overall gist of the story is this: the LGBT community in the United States is trying to indoctrinate young children with their “homosexual agenda.” It even references an online videos which are titled “Queer Kids Stuff.” If you’re unfamiliar with the videos, they merely advise parents how to deal with questions their children may have about LGBT issues and how to treat those who may be LGBT. In other words, they deal with tolerance and acceptance of those who may be different, and right-wingers hate that kind of thing.
Keep in mind these videos are only to be found online. They are not being used in schools or part of any mandatory curriculum. But you’d never know that by listening to the wild rantings of Sean Ryan, communications director for the “pro-family” group Mass Resistance. Here’s what Ryan had to say:
“It is easily conceivable that videos such as these will be sanctioned eventually by local school boards and implemented in preschool and prekindergarten classes.
“Activists are trying to force these topics on younger and younger children because that is the only way their movement wins.
“Rational adults don’t buy into the so-called ‘Queer Theory’ or transgenderism. Unfortunately, children are a soft target for homosexual activists as they are malleable and still learning about the world.”
Ryan and his ilk are basically trying an updated version of a mean strain of propaganda which was used for years by the anti-LGBT crowd in America. In that iteration, they warned that LGBT Americans wanted to have sex with your children, so they could never be teachers, or ministers, or ever be allowed around kids. It’s total bullshit and the statistics on who abuses children prove it to be utter nonsense.
But Fox News could give a damn about facts or data. Their audience will believe whatever drivel they feed them and come running back for more. It’s pathetic, and it hurts people who want nothing more than to live their lives in peace and equality.
Featured Image Via Pride Institute