GOP Women Jumping Ship To Hillary (VIDEO)

Republican candidate Donald Trump has done a fantastic job of alienating people. The GOP motormouth has insulted Latinos, Muslims, liberals, and the Chinese.

Even his own party is desperately trying to run away from him. So far several powerful GOP spokesmen and leaders have backed away from Trump. Some are simply staying quiet when asked who they support, but others are coming right out and saying “Never Trump.”

Now CNN is reporting that a group of Republican women has joined together to work for Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton. The group calls itself “Republican Women for Hillary.” They recently gathered for drinks and conversation at Washington’s St. Regis Hotel where they kicked off their efforts.

These women share years of Republican experience and a long history of conservative activities. They did not come to their decision easily. They have been listening to the GOP candidate, though, and they are horrified by what they have heard.

Jennifer Lim is one of the founders of the group. She has spent her adult life volunteering for conservative causes and she works at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. She is a bone fide conservative and a lifelong Republican. Asked about why she helped to found “Republican Woman for Hillary,” she said:

“It’s really important that Republican leaders, especially Republican women leaders, stand up right now and say we’re not OK with Trump representing our party.”

Meghan Milloy is also a member of the pro-Clinton group. She described her discomfort in finding herself working against her own party. She explained:

“It has been tough for me to come to this point where I can vote for a candidate who has been very against what I’ve been working for for most of my professional career. That being said, I can’t vote for someone like Donald Trump because he’s overtly racist and [a] misogynist.”

These thoughtful, intelligent GOP women have promised to knock on doors, make phone calls, and donate money to the Clinton campaign. They are determined to stop Donald Trump.

This is great news for the Democrats, but I think its even better news for the country. It is clear that for intelligent people, at least, party loyalty will not come before either ethics or morality.

The women are not alone in their determination to prevent a disastrous Trump presidency. Watch the video below for more.

Featured image by Brett Weinstein via Flickr. Available through Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike 2.0 Generic license.

Karen is a retired elementary school teacher with many years of progressive activism behind her. She is the proud mother of three young adults who were all arrested with Occupy Wall Street. To see what she writes about in her spare time, check out her blog at "Empty Nest, Full Life"