Glenn Beck Pleads With Former Pals Limbaugh, Hannity, Coulter: ‘I Really Want To Understand’ (VIDEO)

I am a long time liberal. I marched with Occupy Boston. I have voted Socialist or Green in the past several elections.

I never, ever thought I would say this, but we are in the age of totally illogical elections. So here I go:

I agree with Glenn Beck.

The Blaze is reporting that the conservative talk show host is wondering out loud why his conservative friends are supporting Donald Trump.

Wow. I get it. I was kayaking today and saw a car come up to the lake with a Trump bumper sticker. I just wanted to sit down with the driver, give him a nice cold beer, and ask him what the hell he was thinking.

Glenn Beck seems to feel the same way.

Beck reportedly has turned to his Facebook page to ask his fellow Republican types to explain themselves.

He wrote:

“This is not an attack, this is an honest question. I will delete and ban any vulgar or hateful answer.

I really want to understand.”

Beck went on to say that he understand how people can relate to Trump’s outspoken declarations. He gets it when people say that Trump says what he means.

What Beck doesn’t understand, though, is why so many true conservatives are supporting a guy who was, until very recently, a Democrat. Someone who, in Glenn Beck’s own words:

“He is part of the problem when he by his own admission, buys politicians; he said he identifies his ‘policies more as a democrat’.”

Beck says that he understands that Trump has touched a chord of discontent in many voters. But he doesn’t understand why the Republican elite are willing to support him. He says:

“I am not talking about the average Joe, I am talking about Sean Hannity or Ann Colter. How about Savage or Rush?

These are smart people. What am I missing? Just based on his favorability ratings he could never win in a general. Research shows that he may be near his ceiling now.”

While I find it both amusing and obnoxious that Glenn Beck is so quick to dismiss the ideas of the general electorate, I also find it hilarious that he and I have the very same question when we see those “Make America Great Again” bumper stickers.

Seriously, dudes?

Featured image by Gage Skidmore via Flickr, available through a Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike 2.0 Generic license..

Karen is a retired elementary school teacher with many years of progressive activism behind her. She is the proud mother of three young adults who were all arrested with Occupy Wall Street. To see what she writes about in her spare time, check out her blog at "Empty Nest, Full Life"