A Washington State politician posted an anti-evolution poem on his Facebook page in January. David Madore is a councilor in Clark County, Washington. The scary part is that he calls his “poetry” science, and he calls his Facebook page a “newspaper.” Here is part of his “poetry:”

“Shocked and dumbfounded, we hadn’t expected
Molecular machines fine tuned and perfected.
So complex were the workings, parts perfectly fitted,
We had to admit we were completely outwitted.”

“…Intricate, efficient, with beauty and grace
Designed in each person, the whole human race.
Cilium, blood clotting, the immune system too:
‘How could this evolve?’ No one had a clue.”

Madore is currently running for re-election, and he has gotten a questionable endorsement from a local superintendent. Bill Gibbons is the superintendent of Cornerstone Christian Academy. He is not endorsing Madore individually. Gibbons has made it clear that he speaks for his school.

The Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF) sent out a letter to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) calling for an immediate investigation into Gibbons because he openly endorsed Madore.

The letter said in part:

“The entire video, and especially his comment that [David Madore] needs your support; he needs your help,’ effectively served as an endorsement. This endorsement violated the 501(c)(3) tax-exempt rules, which prohibit electioneering.”

“FFRF respectfully requests that the IRS commence an immediate investigation of Superintendent Bill Gibbons and Cornerstone Christian Academy. The IRS should take appropriate action to remedy this violation of 501(c)(3) regulations.”

The IRS has never taken on a church, but they promised the FFRF that they would in the future in a 2014 settlement. The FFRF reached a settlement with the IRS after suing over a church endorsing political candidates. The FFRF announcement read:

“‘This is a victory, and we’re pleased with this development in which the IRS has proved to our satisfaction that it now has in place a protocol to enforce its own anti-electioneering provisions,’ said FFRF Co-President Annie Laurie Gaylor.

“Of course, we have the complication of a moratorium currently in place on any IRS investigations of any tax-exempt entities, church or otherwise, due to the congressional probe of the IRS. FFRF could refile the suit if anti-electioneering provisions are not enforced in the future against rogue political churches.”

For video of Gibbons’ endorsement, see below:


Featured image screengrab via Vimeo